We are not a fund, we invest on a per company basis.

Achieving a high rate of growth on invested capital by targeting investments in companies within emerging industries that are past proof of concept, pre-commercialization and can benefit from the active involvement and support of the Nicoya team’s unique expertise in taking companies from conceptualization to liquidity. 

Investment Policy

Company Characteristics

    • Past proof of concept with a defined business model and early or imminent revenue

    • Identifiable and defensible market opportunity supported by the presence of an Economic Moat

    • Ability to leverage Nicoya’s network across all aspects of the business to capitalize on synergistic opportunities 

Company Size

    • Pre-money valuation ranging from $2 to $10 million, reserving the ability to evaluate other opportunities as they present themselves

Investment Size

    • $500,000 and $2 million, translating to an ownership stake within the 10% and 50% range

    • Right to fund follow on investments, either on an exclusive basis or as part of a syndicate

Investment Terms

    • Board seat, or the ability to appoint a director

    • Pre-emptive shareholder rights protecting Nicoya’s interests from dilution or other third-party controlling shareholders, including a right of first refusal (ROFR) on future financings, going public transactions or other liquidity events


    • Experienced and capable management that not only intends to but are incentivized to keep operating the company as a near-majority owner with a growth-oriented mindset

Industries and Sectors of Interest

  • Technology

  • FinTech

  • EdTech

  • MedTech

  • AI

  • Software

  • eCommerce and IT

  • Data Analytics 

  • Alternative Energy

  • Cannabis

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Select Real Estate