
Globalfaces Direct


Status: SOLD



Founded in 2013, Globalfaces Direct established itself as a leading multi-channel outsourced fundraising service provider in the not-for-profit industry through their integrated campaigns acquiring monthly sustainer donors via Face-to-Face, Call Center and Donor Analytics services.

As Co-Founder and CEO, Peter Hwang led Globalfaces to rapid growth during their first five-and-a-half years, building a organization of more than 1,000 fundraisers across North America, acquiring over 400,000 monthly donors during this period providing charities in excess of $100 million of annual donation revenue.

Peter formulated partnerships with several high profile charities, including the SickKids Foundation, Unicef, Plan International, World Vision, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Red Cross, among others.

Globalfaces rapid success and attractive growth trajectory garnered the attention of CPS Capital, a VC and PE firm based out of Vancouver.

Peter led their successful sale to CPS Capital after less than 6 years of operations for a mid-eight figure acquisition in June 2018.

Transaction Rationale

Globalfaces provided high growth and sustainable revenue for CPS combined with an accretive data analytics model that provided accretive growth opportunities.

CPS partners with businesses and companies whom they believe have a strong value proposition and possess the potential to become global leaders in their respective space; Globalfaces was a perfect fit.

The extraordinary success that Globalfaces experienced within North America, coupled with the repeatable stamp model that was built by their leadership team, led to a seamless expansion into other markets around the globe fueled by CPS’s investment.

CPS saw global reach opportunities that could easily be expanded.

Management Commentary

Peter Hwang Co-Founder, President & CEO, June 2018

“CPS Capital’s investment in Globalfaces Direct is a strong vote of confidence in the future of GFD and the accretive value that outsourced fundraising service partners bring to the not-for-profit industry. We have had tremendous success over these past 5 years in building Canada’s leading face-to-face fundraising and donor analytics company.”